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(23)Tami S. Mar 12, 2025
The essay is written not as requested, it is far from the criteria posted...the essay asked a sociological question whether or not american citizen should have the right to health insurance but instead the write wrote much of the essay off track. this should not occur at the PHD writing level.
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Cornesha D. Mar 02, 2025
You have everything together, I'm not sure which question being answer. You didn't write out the question as the teacher requested, she's very picky.
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Alisa D. Feb 01, 2025
the writer didn't read my detail instructions, and certainly didn't review the example I sent, for that reason ended writing the paper 3 times. I explained several times what I needed, I provided the examples I want it him to use. I finally when to bed at 11:05pm, stress out and exhausted. I missed my deadline and this morning I decided to pay and fix it myself
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Bakhit A. Nov 25, 2024
The Paper was late which is highly important for me. Timing is highly important for me.
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Ameera Nov 19, 2024
The information was ok , but too little referencing and wrong format as it was a academic poster and he did it in 10 slides.
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Jeff Y. Oct 24, 2024
Unfortunately, you did not follow the prompts for the 2nd post, which required the following: -Considering their 1B and 1C, please reflect and share an example of how you were socially sanctioned for breaking gender performance norms, or you have witnessed others being socially sanctioned for breaking gender performance norms. Each reply should have different examples.
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Rouny Sep 27, 2024
i paid $195 for a 2000 words eassay , the topic is very easy (advisor of cybersecurity) and guess what the grade is 82/100 (B-, are you kidding me )for a person who had phd degree. if you are hiring them to write your essay for undergraduate level school , ummmmm good lucky to get a higher grade,
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Anabel M. Aug 29, 2024
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Betty Aug 21, 2024
should pay more attention to guidelines
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Alicen F. Aug 03, 2024
The writer didn’t read the requirements.
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Jeff Jul 22, 2024
Very disappointed. The delivered work was simply below average. The task was known beforehand, but despite this the writer still accepted the task. The score I awarded him here is roughly what I would have gotten as a score had I handed in this assignment.
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Erik May 15, 2024
Got rejected its not an APA styleeeee !!!!
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Randy Dec 20, 2023
The paper was late. The writer always requests extensions and then there were a number of grammar errors that the writer blamed on being tired. This writer also charges more than other writers for similar quality. Lastly, I had a death in my family and was late making final payment. The writer threatened to use information that was on one of my templates to contact my professor. Unprofessional to say the least. I am disgusted with this and will NEVER use this writer again!
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RODNEY Oct 17, 2023
These memos should deal with all of the assigned readings that week. But the writer focused on only one concept. I want the writer revise it, but I don't have enough time.. and I cannot submit this assignment. I felt bad about not following instruction and I wasted my money on this assignment.
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Marie W. Aug 18, 2023
Why does information overload happens? "happen"
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Jane A. May 26, 2023
Can't do anything right
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Paul C. May 12, 2023
Paper will require lots of changes. The half that i can verify is a reworded work from someone else's work. The other i can't find the source. Works cited is not complete.
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Sabrina Feb 25, 2023
Not only this writer never got back to me on the revisions asked. I had to pay for a mediocre work, with several grammar errors and the vocabulary of a five years old. Shame on you for doing this to a frequent costumer like me.
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Nick Jan 24, 2023
Doesn't answer in the live chat. Also, ignoring my guideline of my writing
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Kimberly F. Nov 07, 2022
Repetitive sentences, grammar issues, just an overall lazy paper.
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Kavita J. Oct 19, 2022
Writer hasn't follwed my instruction well. I have to rewrite it again by myself.
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Angie K. Aug 06, 2022
Would not refund my money even though the writer did not follow instructions
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