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(16)Hyunwook D. Oct 25, 2024
The writer was professional and tried to correct the errors in the paper, but overall the final product was very disappointing. The revision basically omitted some of what was written prior and added more incomplete sentences. Many grammatical errors, spelling, incomplete sentences and sentences that didn't make any sense what so ever. None of the instructions I gave pertained to what was actually written. I paid quite a lot for this paper and over 15hrs was given to complete and revise and it still wasn't completed correctly. This was definitely a huge loss and waste of money and time.
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Clifford O. Jun 25, 2024
Was not completed on time and was not fully completed.
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Jonathan Y. Apr 04, 2024
The quality was horrible. Writer did not follow directions. Please do not use if you need graduate quality work.
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Antonio S. Mar 02, 2024
I sent her the instructions to help with the editing and she disregarded it. The paper as good but was not what i asked for. They promise revisions but I can't even chat with her about it without having to pay her another 25$ and I had JUST PAID her 115$
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Alba Jan 15, 2024
Bad qaulity of work
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Abdullah A. Nov 12, 2023
Did not do as per the instruction, and cannot justify what was submitted.
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SUNGHWAN Mar 23, 2023
writer had absolutely zero idea about the topic and just copied and pasted fake information
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Patricia D. Mar 15, 2023
The Paper should have been 3 pages or 4 maximum, you sent me 10 pages. The information should all be in bullet point form and shortened. Can you do this in a couple of hours?
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Danielle Mar 05, 2023
Not happy with this order! NOT EVEN HIGH SCHOOL LEVEL
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Angela M. Sep 10, 2022
Completely failed to produce any work at all. He was even asking if I had other projects for him to do as well. Considering that he had zero other projects being worked when I assigned him, this is pretty poor. Do not go give this guy a chance, he may just blow you off.
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Darren Jul 24, 2022
He is a fast writer, but doesn't take the time to read the guidelines of the essay and also instead of using maybe he will write "may to be" just to work up the word count along with many other words so the essay has to be reviewed and fixed just for some sentences to make sense. Other than that his work was fine
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Karolina May 18, 2022
My instructor said this was not original enough. See her message below Your paper this week has good examples but there are areas of information that are not cited. It is critical that you utilize an in text citation even when paraphrasing (re-wording) information found in the course materials. You have chunks of information cited. The way it is written the majority of the information is utilized as a reference. Please use more of your own thoughts.
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Carrie F. Mar 31, 2022
I don't like how the writer is trying to say that my sources are not scholarly sources for one. She also used additional citations in the first paper that I didn't ask for. I don't like being confrontational so I rather not ask her a third time. I rather move on. If I have to pay her then that's fine but I would like for him to do my revision and research the information correctly
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Lindsey Sep 14, 2021
I had to rewrite the majority of the paper and correct all grammatical and citation errors. Horrible paper, horrible writer.
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Nikki M. Apr 26, 2021
The writer did not do what i told them
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