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(15)Ranjani Feb 27, 2025
Does not follow instructions given, after 2 trials
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Asma Y. Oct 25, 2024
Calculations not done correctly and grammar error
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(4 helpful votes)
Tracy Jul 16, 2024
Too bad. Not at all meet the mission requirements.
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Paloma R. Feb 28, 2024
It was made on time but not as the prompt said, and it was an urgent assignment, and the redo was uploaded hours after from when I needed it and when I asked for a refund or some compensation they said it was not possible since the assignment was done on time; however, it was not done as it was supposed to be and I had to redo it by myself while I was in other class.
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Shirley P. Aug 06, 2023
This writer is not taking time to precisely follow assignment instructions. The guidelines are not being meet and the level of effort is not adequate. There was a previous assignment done for the same paper witch I assumed was done with the level of efficiency, because of the lack of time. However for this assignment there has been plenty of time and the resulting paper is still the same.
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Jiayu Jul 08, 2023
Failed to follow the instruction.
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Wendy F. Apr 15, 2023
he didn't follow instruction. it was not organized and he's not willing to fix it!
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Nana K. Oct 21, 2022
The paper arrived prior to the deadline, the work as adequate, my professor graded the paper B-, communication was ok, still better than having to write it myself.
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Hector Aug 01, 2022
doesn't follow direction
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Franziska May 21, 2022
Worst experience ever. The due has been passed. I gave him extra 24 hours to work on it, but he keep telling me that the work has been done, he is just polishing it. Keep repeating "posting it in a few", but never happens.
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Scott Mar 29, 2022
I asked the writer to edit the work twice, but she still did not address the topic correctly. Last time she added only one or two words to the work when I asked for amendments. She also included three references have nothing to do with my topic. My topic is about business, but the references are about mining, technology and crime!
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Carrie G. Oct 26, 2021
She did not on time and cheat me, and delay my work
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Dominick H. Oct 15, 2021
wasted my time
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Nicholas I. Oct 06, 2021
Did not really follow my instruction. The essay is not properly MLA formatted. A lot of filler sentences. AVOID IF YOU CAN
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