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(19)Seneca Feb 02, 2025
did not do enough research, simply made the words. would not recommend
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Ginevra R. Jan 03, 2025
Did not follow the assignment quidelines.
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Stephen Dec 01, 2024
Such a disappointment !!!!!The writer just upload few parts just disappeared for almost eight hours. so I missed my hand in time because of this drama.I have reported this to service team, and they spent the whole day to get in touch with writer. Also the writer didnt even follow the instruction to do the job, and after i talk to him about editing. He just ignored. Please think before you assign him.
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Dayanne Oct 26, 2024
I’m not satisfied with the work
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Hunter Y. Aug 13, 2024
Received a D
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Jeffrey T. May 31, 2024
I do not recommend this writer paper was awful. Late, full of grammatical errors, and didn't meet the length requirements.
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Divyesh Jan 26, 2024
The writing was extremely basic and under standards, asked for 500 words and got 300 words done and completely different from what I asked for. Waste of time and money.
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Anabel Aug 29, 2023
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Steven L. Aug 13, 2023
This project was not done correctly.
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Fred Jan 18, 2023
Instructions were not followed even after multiple revisions were requested. Grammar mistakes and plagiarism that I managed to detect after a preliminary reading. Revised essay took 22 days to complete and was finally submitted 2 days after the due date. Never using same writer again, also won't rely on {domain} for any future business.
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Elbert Jun 14, 2022
The writer said they couldnt use SPSS statistics program that is required and asked me to find someone else!
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Tianbo Apr 25, 2022
Unfortunately the writer was experiencing so severe weather issue and was unable to complete the assignment. They started the assignment but they didn't get the opportunity to complete the assignment. If have used this writer several times with no issues. I don't want to discourage anyone from assigning the writer for future assignments because smartpapers is actually an A+ writer. No one can control mother nature, so I don't fault the writer. I really hope no harm was brought to them .
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Zihan Apr 22, 2022
I asked her to help me revise three times because i keep feeling things needed to be added. However, some part of the content of the paper is still irrelevant to the topic.
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Pei-Shan Mar 04, 2022
I did not feel this work related to what i was asking
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Kimberle A. Dec 03, 2021
Timely work, looks like the writer knows what they are talking about. however, grammar and structure is not very good. Sounds like someone in middle school worded it.
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Theodora T. Nov 04, 2021
I went with this writer because it was going to weigh huge for the term, the writer has really good reviews as far as his work, but the reason I did not give a 10/10 is the lack of communication was a turn off... My nerves were on edge know I was cutting it close to the deadline and I had not received anything from the writer. I can only assume becasue he is good at what he does, he's highly sought after! The work was great... the communication was poor.
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Bright A. Oct 03, 2021
Not what I wanted and instead of asking and trying to fix the assignment, the writer just said this is how it will be
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Wen Aug 20, 2021
The writer rushes his work and did not maintain the same voice throughout. Grammatically the paper I received was inadequate, conceptually it met the requirement for the given prompt. However, this was achieved unremarkably. Given the price point, I expected a higher quality of work. If you are struggling to complete an important assignment, this writer's work will serve as a baseline for completion. Expect no higher than a low B grade paper at best and to have to spend some time on revisions.
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Joshua R. Jul 20, 2021
The writer was very timely with his order, but I needed to correct several grammatical errors and fix multiple content issues. I anticipated a higher quality paper from someone who has fulfilled thousands of orders with a high rating.
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